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The cross in the emblem stands for prayer and service.
The heart stands for the Heart of Jesus which is the seat of unique love.
The swan inside it, is the Indian symbol of purity and innocence, holiness and message. Abiding in the Sacred Heart, the students have to imbibe fully the innocence, the message of love from it and like heavenly swans transmit them to others.
The book signifies knowledge and wisdom.
The lamp tells us that the students are the lamps radiating light of wisdom to millions who are still in darkness.
The centre of the emblem is made up of the three initial letters, of the Sacred Heart Convent School,
S.H.C.S. The body of the swan is formed by the letter 'S' and
the heart which surrounds the swan is formed by the letter 'H' and
the wings of the swan are formed by the letter 'C'.

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